Client: Previously working as a GP, career redirection to a small Jewellery maker and business owner

Product/Service Provided: Redirection Programme


“Susan” was referred onto our Vocational Redirection Program, she had worked as a GP for her entire career, but now wanted a complete career change, she joined the Redirection Programme unsure about what this role would be.

Action taken:

Initial discussions with our employability specialist included Susan’s interests, which revealed she had recently taken up jewellery making and wanted to look at the possibility of turning this into a career. Due to our redirection program's flexible nature, our employability specialist adapted the structure of the redirection course to cover self-employment, as this was of interest to the course members. During this session they looked at aspects of self-employment, including the differences in responsibilities between self-employment and setting up a limited company. Our employability specialist provided additional support by signposting to online resources to support them in setting up in business. Another course participant provided peer support as they had friend who ran a similar business, so connected the two.


Since completing the course, Susan has set up a limited company producing jewellery, and regularly rents a cabinet in local store to sell her jewellery from. She also sells at craft fairs, and is building a strong online presence selling her jewellery. From discussions with our employability specialist, they have developed plans for Susan to eventually run classes teaching jewellery making skills.


“I found your course interesting and informative and you made real effort to make it relevant to the participants. I definitely learned things I didn’t know. Your delivery was clear but also light and friendly.”

Please note all names have been changed in the interest of anonymity