Ergonomic Assessment

Ergonomic Assessment


  • Identified issues
  • Solutions and adjustments to work set up and environment
  • Equipment list with costs
  • Additional advice to reduce risk of re-injury

Method of delivery

Carried out face to face at the worksite by experienced Occupational Therapists with ergonomic speciality

Purpose of the Service

An ergonomic assessment will ensure optimal working position to reduce the risk of exacerbation of symptoms by providing guidance on adjustments to work environment and tasks.

What is an Ergonomic Assessment?

It involves a comprehensive assessment of the workstation and environment to check and measure or photograph the individual's positions, work tasks, job design, seating and working
or driving environment, plus any manual handling involved. Each assessment
takes from 1-3 hours depending upon the complexity
of the situation.

The assessment may be at any type of workplace such as office, factory or farm. We also specialise in home based working environments and set ups.

Where possible the Assessor will make immediate adjustments to help
reduce symptoms or potential for discomfort. 

A written report is provided with recommendations for adjustments, identified risks, costed equipment features and any actions to minimise risk of exacerbation of symptoms or re-injury.  

Who is this suitable for?

This type of assessment is helpful for people with an injury or health condition that results in them being off work or struggling at work and who require a comprehensive assessment of their work environment and advice on adjustments and equipment to minimise risk of further injury or exacerbation of symptoms.

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