Purpose of the Service
The aim of the WHMR is to assist employees and employers to manage long term and fluctuating health conditions in the workplace to facilitate sustained work engagement
What is a Workplace Health Management Resource
This is a collaborative process involving the VRC, the employee and their manager to facilitate discussion on adjustments and to support management of any condition where symptoms are long term, reoccur, or fluctuate. The service includes:
Explaining the impact of the employee’s condition at work and how to recognise the signs they might be becoming unwell
Providing advice and guidance on reasonable adjustments specific to the employee, their health condition and how it impacts them at work
Keeping an accurate record of reasonable adjustments agreed between employee and their Manager
Providing a toolkit of individualised information and resources for the employee and employer to support and aid understanding and management of the employee’s health condition in the workplace
Promoting regular review and discussion with the manager in discussing effectiveness of adjustments made, in considering any changes to the employee’s circumstances, and reviewing requirements to further amend the WHMR as necessary with the agreement of both parties.
Establishing an agreed action plan between employee and their Manager should the employee become unwell at work (including who to contact if necessary)
Agreeing how and when the Manager and employee will stay in touch during absence periods
Agreeing return to work arrangements
Providing continuity of onward support, minimising the need to re-negotiate adjustments each time there is a change of jobs, re-location or a new manager is assigned within the organisation
Who is this suitable for?
Employees with long-term health conditions who are returning to or struggling in work. This is particularly useful for individuals with fluctuating or invisible conditions such as mental health, muscular sclerosis, chronic pain or fatigue.