Worksite Assessment

Worksite Assessment


  • Comprehensive written report
  • Detailed analysis of job and work environment
  • Identification of functional capacity of employee
  • Recommended adjustments and return to work assistance

Method of delivery

Carried out at the workplace by experienced health professionals and involving the employee and employer

Purpose of the Service

A worksite assessment will identify an individual's functional capacity and match this to the demands of their job role to facilitate a safe and sustainable return to work.

What is Worksite Assessment?

The assessment forms the basis for a safe return to work by assessing the suitability of work duties against the individual's abilities and limitations and aims to gain
a better understanding of the nature of the
employee's work. The workplace assessment
is an onsite analysis of the specific job and work environment which is carried out with the individual and their employer at the workplace. It assesses the physical, psychosocial, cognitive and communication demands of the pre-injury duties (or possibly alternative duties) and cross references this with the person’s ability to do the job. This often includes elements of objective assessment of functional capacity (FCE) to provide accurate information.

A written report is provided with recommendations for adjustments, modifications to the role, ergonomic factors and return to work assistance.

Who is this suitable for?

This type of assessment is helpful for people with an injury or health condition that results in them being off work or struggling at work and who require a comprehensive assessment of their job demands against their ability and limitations to facilitate a safe RTW.

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